Katrina's Short Story: The Haunted House

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She replied, “Okay, and remember you always have my number.” She grew infatuated with him. She would draw him in her notebook. She would replace his name into love songs. She would fantasize all the time about them going out on dates, kissing, and then some more. She even gave him a rubix cube for Christmas. She changed her mind about her feelings. When she overheard him asking which girl he should ask out, Asia or Franchesca. He never did pick one. One day Barry texted her, they talk and arrange to meet up together at school the next day. It turned out that it wasn’t Barry but his cousin, pulling a prank on a random girl. Katrina confronted Barry about it and when he told her his cousin was messing around with her, he didn’t apologize, …show more content…

The night before she started crying because she wanted to stay home, but she didn’t want to be ridiculed by her classmates and teachers for deciding not to come. On the ride there she sat alone, she wept. I wanna go home... During the last night of their stay the whole class went to the top of the hotel and swam in the pool. Katrina almost didn’t go because the girls she was sharing her room with didn’t want to. She asked them repeatedly to come with her, they denied; but as soon as everyone else was going it was all “Ooh let’s go! It’ll be fun!” They went in the elevator and she took in the sights from the balcony. Her peers had already climbed in but she just gazed and admired the view. The building directly across from them was designed to look like a pirate ship. It was crafted so that when you stood from the front side of the triangle shaped side you could see the mast of the ship, the state flags flew over it like the sails. She hopped in the pool and tried to play with everyone but they all started to slowly get out of the pool. Then when she got out some got back in. Why? What have I done wrong? What have I done to deserve this? She laid down on a sun chair. The cold breeze chilled her and she wrapped herself in her …show more content…

Right there. That would be a nice place to do it. I should wait for the big group down there to pass. Is my hair dry? Oh, who’s gonna care if I do this? She looked over her shoulder. What do they know? None of them ever gave me a second thought, why do I bother them with mine. She looked down again. Huh, no railing. Easy. There was another pause. If I jump in the water, the impact would be cold enough to where I wouldn’t feel it. And if I land just right it’ll break my neck instantly, no pain, like concrete. What am I waiting for, just do it. Should I do a running start? It’s always easier that way, at least it is at the water park. 12 stories, would it actually work? What if I jump and I live and I’m paralyzed? No, I can’t have people pitying me, I just need to do it. Jeez Katrina just do it! Just...one...small...jump…She raised from her

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