Katie Woodencloak And The Irish Cinderl: Fairy Godmother

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There are thousands of versions of cinderella told all around the world in different cultures and languages. They are all similar and different in their own way and all of the similarities and differences can reveal something about the culture they originate from. Katie Woodencloak and The Irish Cinderlad have both have their own fairy godmother but they are not the same. Both fairy godmothers reveal something about the economy of the country. The fairy godmother in Katie Woodencloak is a bull and back then people had nothing we do, they had cows. Cows were practically walking money. They gave you milk and from milk you had butter and cheese. Also if their was a famine, you could kill and eat it. The bull is chosen as the fairy godmother because at times a cow can be a saviour. In the story. The Bull saves and provides for Katie. After the bull dies it still provides for Katie just like the meat of a bull can provide for a hungry family. …show more content…

In the irish Cinderlad the bull comes against a different bull, says he will die, tells the kid to cut off its tail was the bull has died, and does. It seems like in in Norway the cows can indore more than in Ireland. As it is clear these two versions of Cinderella are very similar but are still different versions. As Stephanie Gilmore said ¨Experiencing different cultures is one of the best things a human can do. It puts your whole world into

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