Katherine Mansfield's Miss Brill

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Katherine Mansfield, in her short story <Miss Brill>, describes an old lonely lady and her Sunday afternoon. The character has been well introduced, and the language is unique, emotional, sophisticated but also, frank. The author leads us deep down into the protagonist’s character through every piece of her fascinating writing, successfully creating a precise picture of Miss Brill.

Although Miss Brill is not a delicate young girl, she is affectionately sensitive to almost everything even while out for a walk. The opening paragraph (page264) shows the scene of Miss Brill walking to the café, there’s a description of her feelings during her walk, “And when she breathed, something light and sad – no, not sad, exactly – something gentle seemed to move in her bosom.” She has a keen sense to things, including her breath and even the sentiment of it. She is satisfied and proud to own a mind swarming with sophistication. In our point of view as readers, her complacency is just an illusion that builds up on her desolation and pretension. …show more content…

She is alone since she lives by herself. Also, she is lonely since she barely has fellowship in her life. She desires to be involved in something. That’s the major reason why going out is significant to her. First sentence of the first paragraph in page 267, reveals her excitement to be in the café, “Oh, how fascinating it was! How she enjoyed it! How she loves sitting here, watching it all! It was like a play.” Through her stimulation, her lack of belonging and companionship was thoroughly exposed. Later on, at the end of the same paragraph, a flashback moment in her life, ‘And Miss Brill smoothed the newspaper as though it were the manuscript of her part and said gently; “Yes, I have been an actress for a long time.”’. We can now further assure that she is a romanticist, a dreamer that blindly believes her life is ideal and

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