Katha Pollitt What's The Matter With Creationism Analysis

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Katha Pollitt’s What’s the Matter with Creationism? is based on a poll on peoples belief in evolution. She argues that educated people should be more likely to believe in evolution and rants about how ridiculous it is that the percentage of people is the same between college graduates and the rest of America. She does not do a very good job of persuading her intended audience due to her lack of restraint of opinion. She degrades the people who don’t believe in evolution, which funnily enough discredits a few of her resources. The start of her essay poses a question that leads into her thesis, but doesn’t get addressed until the second paragraph. When she does address her main concern, she does it well. Directly after that, though, Pollitt …show more content…

Were the scientists of the day when they thought the earth was false frauds? No, they were misled because of a lack of complete …show more content…

Pollitt is using these remarks to make it seem as though the people that believe in evolution are quite obviously false. The problem lies in the fact that, in order to cause a change in the poll and persuade those that don’t believe to change their minds, she needs to appeal to her audience. She is defeating her own purpose by making remarks such as, “If ‘recurrent flooding’ really gets going, you may wish you’d booked a cabin.” (In the replica of Noah’s Ark) Pollitt also says, “…58 percent of Republicans are creationists, although that does explain a lot.” and, “why so many think it (being a good Christian) means refusing to use the brains god gave you.” These are a few of the comments from her essay that show her complete disgust of creationists, which are her main

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