Karl Marx Arranged Labour

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Marx understands the relationship between man and nature as a dependent one in which man, referred to by Marx as ‘the worker’, is dependent on nature for his survival. The worker needs natural material to create the commodities he makes, but also needs the sustenance nature provides (such as water, food, etc…) in order to survive as a living being. It is then pointed out that the more the worker uses nature’s goods for his work, the more he is depriving himself of “means of life” (Marx, Estranged Labour, p.64). In Estranged Labour, Marx has two definitions for “means of life” (Marx, Estranged Labour, p.64): 1. “the sensual world more and more ceases to be an object belonging to his labour” (Marx, Estranged Labour, p.64), and 2. “[the sensual

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