Kareem Elnahal Analysis

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Pod Discussion #2 Kareem Elnahal’s speech does not meet the criteria of communication competence. Although his speech was effective it lacked appropriateness. His speech was effective because it impacted the teachers, school administrators, and the school district. “For that reason, the education we have received here is not only incomplete, it is entirely hollow. What’s more, this same lack of focus can be found in many of the subjects we do study” the valedictorian has left teachers and administrators with a sour taste in their mouths (Mohagnan). Even though his speech was well prepared beforehand, the occasion was not the place, “sometimes the occasion can dictate what’s expected in the speech” (Public Speaking) clearly his speech was not …show more content…

Carter’s third definition “Saying openly that you are acting on your understanding of right from wrong”, “it reminds us that a person of integrity is unashamed of doing the right” (Carter). “I care deeply about everyone here, and it is only our fulfillment I desire. I will leave now so that the ceremony can go on. Again, my deepest apologies, God help me” (Elnahla). From his ending we can assume that he did not want to address his speech in a bad way because in his speech he concludes “I speak today not to rant, complain or cause trouble, and certainly not to draw attention to myself” (Elnahal). The two principles that a speaker should consider when analyzing the audience and speaking occasion is avoiding stereotyping and sensitivity to diversity (Rothwell, 333). As a speaker you should present your supporting material that interests both gender so you can develop your speech from different perspectives (Rothwell, 349). While presenting your speech you should analyze the multicultural makeup of college audience because you want to support your speech with accurate facts about other cultural that will not offend other students from different back ground in the audience (Rothwell

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