Kanye West Album Comparison

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For this analysis, the two album covers that will be discussed are a couple from the artist Kanye West. The first album is Late Registration and the second is Graduation. Although these albums have titles concerning school, the album covers have very clear differences. Both of these albums have a main attraction, the bear, which is shown to evolve not only in these albums, but past albums of this same artist as well. Both albums in this case are focused on the bear, which is something that many Kane West fans are familiar with because his first four albums have a type of bear in them. Although both have these bears, they are depicted in two very different ways, supporting not only the title of the two albums, but also showing differences and …show more content…

Teenagers might see the explicit sign with the cartoon-animated theme of the album cover and feel very intrigued, making them want to listen. Adults that have been previous Kanye fans might also want to listen, just for the fact that it is a Kanye West Album. Another audience group could be for people who are happy and love different styles of music. This second album is very bright and colorful, which goes hand in hand with happiness and fun. The audience may see the chain on the bear and immediately assume it is a hip-hop genre of music, aside from the fact that Kanye West is a rapper. So, people that are fans of hip hop would appeal to this album also. Both of these Kanye West Albums are great albums that will always show the talent Kanye has. It is clearly shown the progress and change he has made as an artist, not just through his music, but it is clearly shown in the album cover as well. The first album is dark, almost creepy like with the bear having a confused of scared look to him. However, the Graduation album has life to it through the expressions and very bright and vivid colors. It expresses Kanye Wests’ creativity that has been developed over the few years between the albums, and the excitement he has for his future career

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