Kant's Theory of Deontology and Euthanasia

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I am going to apply the theory of Kant’s Deontology to the case regarding assisted suicide for psychological suffering.

Based on Kant’s theory, I have found suicide morally unjust.

This case is about euthanasia and assisted suicide. On September 28, 1991, Dr. Boudewijn Chabot administered a sufficient amount of sleeping pills and a liquid drug mixture to a patient with the intentions of assisting the patient with death. The patient, Hilly Bosscher, was suffering from depression, and psychological pain. She was recently divorced from a 25 year abusive relationship, and her two son’s had died. The doctor determined she suffered from unbearable pain, genuinely desired to die, and freely and competently made such a request. On the same day Dr. Chabot administered the medici...

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