Kamala Das In The Eunuchs

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The t0pic 0f the research paper is 0n KAMALA DAS as a C0nfessi0nal p0et with special reference t0 her P0em DANCE 0F THE EUNUCHS. Kamala Das is perhaps the m0st interesting and c0ntr0versial figure in p0st-c0l0nial Indian English p0etry. She writes with 0utsp0kenness and truthfulness unusual in Indian c0ntext. Her private experiences and 0bservati0ns are portrayed in her poems but those familiarities and interpretations appear t0 bec0me universal. Her v0ice als0 symb0lizes the m0dern w0men’s v0ice wh0 wants t0 free her fr0m the religi0us 0rth0d0xy (d0s and d0n’ts). Being a c0nfessi0nal p0et, Kamala Das takes the reader int0 the w0rld 0f her private life and unveils the delicate facts and even the bedr00m secrets. The 0bjective 0f the research …show more content…

The p0et vividly c0njures up the atm0sphere 0f a h0t, t0rtured, c0rrupt, sterile and barren w0rld thr0ugh vivid symb0ls and images. The dance 0f the eunuchs wh0se j0yless life reflects the p0et‘s fractured pers0nality is a n0ticeable piece 0f aut0bi0graphical p0etry. Kamala Das has vividly visualized the w0rld 0f ―vacant ecstasy‖ and sterility thr0ugh numer0us functi0nal images and symb0ls in her p0etry. In fact Eunuchs try t0 eke 0ut a livelih00d by dancing. Their dancing is power-driven and agonizing. The c0nditi0ns and the climate are f0rbidding. The spectat0rs are merciless. Even G0d seems t0 add their w0es. The eunuchs ‘v0ices are harsh and their s0ngs are full 0f melanch0ly. The themes 0f the s0ngs are th0se 0f l0vers dying and children left unb0rn. S0me beat their drums while 0thers beat their flat breasts and wept. The j0y 0n their faces is 0nly a mask as they writhe in pain and their faces are really vacant. The atm0sphere 0f heat and sterility is, first 0f all, expressed thr0ugh ―fiery gulm0hur and ―the jasmines in, their hair‖ c0uld n0t pr0vide them with a s00thing effect. The image 0f ―Their s0ur breasts‖ again suggests their sterility and barrenness because they bel0ng t0 neither sex. They are destined t0 remain

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