Justice Duty And Social Issues

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Justice, Duty and Social Issues were three of the big ideas I focused on the most throughout the course. Focusing on citizens’ rights, criminal justice professional’s duties and what social issues brings justice and duty together. Society bring all three of these big ideas together, both in negative and positive ways. Justice can be described in many ways, I would describe justice as a form of equality. Justice is performed through the criminal justice system where actions good or bad are acted upon. The justice system relies upon both public acceptance and public cooperation for it to function effectively. The justice system has more than criminals in mind but more importantly they focus on the day-to-day lives of citizens. Keeping every one’s wellbeing in mind is where equality plays a big role. Criminals have rights just like everyone else, although once someone becomes a criminal they …show more content…

Officers are the first responders to help. It is their duty to help prevent crime and assist people in need. To serve and protect citizens is the start of the criminal justice system. Another thing that comes to mind when duty is involved is citizens’ rights. As citizens, it is our duty to be responsible with our rights. Many abuse their constitutional rights that’s where police officers serve and protect those who do not. Non-offenders have the duty to report crime in their area and then rely on the justice system to step in and serve justice. In my crime scene synopsis, a big example of duty is when it came into investigation. Taking the extra step, the responding police officer decide that a further investigation on the mussel loader could be beneficial to the case. Finding out when and where the gun and gun powder was purchased helped solve the start of the fire and who was responsible. The officer went beyond his normal duty and proceeded to look into detail that could have been

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