June Bacon's Biography Essay

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June Bacon was born on October 23, 1932, in Wichita, Kansas. Her father was a lawyer and her mother was a music teacher. She is a single child, she enjoyed riding her bike, hiking, playing the piano, and participating in Girl Scout activities. Bacon was a very active child and she really enjoyed the outdoors and Mother Nature. She was rejected from many social activities as a child because her parents were very strict and because of racism. Yet, this segregation permitted her to mature within her self-control and good study habits that would help her later on in life. Bacon became drawn in science during high school. She spent a brief time in Florida, where she attended a “ghettoized” school. African-Americans in that school were not encouraged in the subjects of math, physics, and chemistry. Causing Bacon to lose some of her desire for science temporarily. However, when she reverted to a racially varied school in Kansas, where those subjects were educated actively, her eagerness for science returned. It was a physics teacher who noticed Bacon’s interest in aquatic displacement and resistance, who also encouraged her to consider a career in meteorology. …show more content…

She attended UCLA, where she majored in arithmetic and meteorology, fields where women were usually looked down upon. One of her professors even recommended that she take sewing rather than meteorology. As Bacon told Contemporary Black Biography, when she received an “A” in thermodynamics and a “B” in home finances, she distinguished that her conclusion to pursue a degree in science was the correct one. Bacon surpassed in her classes and did not get sidetracked by all of the social activities that college had to offer because she was used to occupying her time reading and studying; an outcome of her parents’ strictness. She graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree with

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