Julius Caesar Villain Essay

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In the play, Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, Roman ruler Julius Caesar is assassinated by a group of conspirators, with some of the main names of the group being Brutus and Cassius. Marc Antony turns Rome against the well received conspirators, and it ends with a war between the conspirators and Marc Antony, and the death of Cassius and Brutus. In this story, there are many characters who are very bad people who hurt others for their own gain. The true villains of Julius Caesar are Brutus, Cassius, and Marc Antony. To start off, Brutus is a villain because of how he turns on his friend for power, and caused all of his fellow conspirators to be killed. Brutus did this because he knew that if this was done, he would be one of the highest in power. With his stance already in Rome at the time of Julius Caesar’s tyranny, he was always striving for more. This ended with him being one of the big name in the assassination. He is also a villain because he causes the death of his fellow conspirators because he allowed Marc Antony to not only stay alive, but let him speak at Julius Caesar’s funeral. This led to Marc Antony turning the citizens of Rome against the conspirators. …show more content…

This makes him a true villain because there wasn’t a talk about killing Caesar before he brought it up, making him the true killer of Caesar. Also, he is a villain because he is one of the starters of the war. When Marc Antony manages to turn the city of Rome against the conspirators, it causes Brutus and Cassius to flee, and both form rebel armies. When they meet, Cassius manages to convince Brutus to fight to the death against Octavius and Marc Antony´s armies, and tells him that he should kill himself if they begin to lose the war. Cassius is the villain because he is the reason that the conspirators are

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