Julius Caesar Pride Quotes

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In the play Julius Caesar, there are many themes to choose form and the two that such out to me the most were friendship and pride. Julius Caesar and Brutus shared many hardships that followed along with friendships. Along their journey, the pride they had grew and they turned on one another. Friends are important people to have in your life because without them life would get boring. This play is a good example of the quote “Keep your friends close but your enemy’s closer.” The reason behind that is that you never know whom you can really trust. Caesar trusted Brutus and thought they were friends and look how Brutus thought of their friendship. Trust is one of the main factors you need to have a true friendship and obviously, they did not have any real trust. Caesar and Brutus had a fake friendship. Brutus used the excuse that he did it for the roman republic but Caesar was a good leader and most of the roman people loved him. Because of Brutus people turned on Caesar after his death. Brutus was a loyal friend until he was …show more content…

Pride can be a good and bad thing. Pride is good until it all goes to your head. “Pride will cost you everything but leave you with nothing.” This is a perfect quote for the play Julius Caesar. Brutus really did like Caesar and did think of him as a real friend but his pride in his country was bigger than his friendship. “Caesar should be a beast without a heart if he should stay at home today for fear. No, Caesar shall not. Danger knows full well that Caesar is more dangerous than he” – Caesar. Caesar also had pride but his pride did not cause him to kill another man. Brutus had too much pride in his love for his country. His reason behind going through with the murder of Caesar was “his love for the roman republic”. His pride caused him to end an innocent life. Caesar was not a perfect man, his pride was too big also but he knew how to keep his under

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