Julius Caesar And Macbeth Analysis

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Are the tragedies from shakespeare different from the tragedies before William Shakespeare started writing them? William shakespeare’ two best tragedies are Macbeth and Julius Caesar made an impact because of the way Shakespeare came up with his ideas, real life events impacted his imagination. In 1599 Shakespeare wrote the tragedy of Julius Caesar. And in that time it is believed that the tragedy was written for Julius Caesar himself even though he was dead also to tell the story of his assassination the impact may have also be caused because of the them he used Public self versus private self of julius caesar. But in 1606 The Tragedy of Macbeth was written for King James the first this made a bigger impact because it used three themes of Ambition, kingship,and evil.
In the tragedy of Julius Caesar there is a total of 2,762 lines and in those lines the tragedy of julius caesar’s assassination is told and what happens next to the character who assassinated Caesar which is Cassius and Brutus. But before the assassination they make a plot against Caesar and he makes Caesar own loyal men to join in on the plot against Caesar including Brutus. But Cassius tell Brutus to meet him. When cassius and brutus meet he convinces brutus to only murder caesar and not his loyal friend anthony . (Start Here)Meanwhile caesars wife had a dream of a statue of caesar bleeding from a hundred wounds(article #1). Later on Brutus and Cassius murder Caesar by stabbing him to death. Brutus defends his case by saying that he was removing a tyrant who was destroying the freedom of all romans. At the end of the story Antony and octavius arrive and find brutus dead the play ends with octavius saying “so call the field to rest, and let’s away/ To part the gl...

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...y which was traced back to Banquo. Also One of King James' greatest passions was the study of witchcraft. In 1597 he wrote the book of Daemonologie, which was about witch craft and he believed that people should read it and practice witchcraft . King James I also watched many trials and examinations of witchcraft.
The tragedy of macbeth is only 2,100 the shortest play of shakespeare, but made a huge impact on the way tragedies were written because shakespeare wrote them for king james I and his personal life events impacted his imagination. He made many reflections on King James on witchcraft and on how he became king. Shakespeare used many life events of King James and then he used his imagination to make his own story to be presented to the king himself. According to Shakespeare-online.org he made the play so much shorter because the king didn’t like long plays.

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