Julius Caesar Accomplishments Essay

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Julius Caesar was one of the most famous Romans of all time. He was a general and a politician who greatly contributed to ending the Roman Republic and forming the Roman Empire. Julius Caesar played a critical role in Rome’s rise and victory. Without him, our world would not be the same. Caesar’s accomplishments in his early life, adult life, and years of his fame made him who he’s known as today. Julius Caesar was born on July 12th or 13th 100 B.C in Rome. His family wasn’t rich, But Caesar’s parents came from an old, noble family. They claimed that they were descendants of the goddess Venus. Caesar’s mother was named Aurelia and his father was named Gaius Julius Caesar who died when Caesar was 16. Later on, Julius Caesar married Cornelia, …show more content…

He fought with is rival Sulla who ordered Caesar to divorce Cornelia because Cornelia and her family were against Sulla. So Caesar escaped Rome, but he convinced Sulla to be allowed to come back. After Sulla’s death, Caesar’s fame grew. He formed a private army to defeat the king of Pontus who declared war on Rome in 74 B.C. Soon after, Caesar formed an alliance with Pompey, a loved military leader and Caesar was elected consul (a powerful government position). Caesar then created a political alliance called the First Triumvirate which was made up of Caesar, Pompey, and a man named Crassus. Pompey and Crassus were enemies, but Caesar convinced them that they were better off as friends. Caesar’s alliance would greatly benefit him in his rise to power and …show more content…

Despite being Rome’s most powerful man, Caesar’s rule only lasted only a single year. Even so, Julius Caesar was still an influential man due to his early victories in multiple wars. During his short rule, Caesar made a great impact on Rome by transforming the republic. He relieved debt and opened the senate up to represent all Romans. He granted citizenship to foreigners and invited defeated enemies to be his allies. Caesar also restored 2 city states that have been destroyed and Caesar took credit for reforming the Roman calendar. These actions took Caesar’s fame to new heights. His face could be seen on Roman coins and after his death, his birth month, Quintilis, was renamed July in Caesar’s honor. But in Caesar’s rule, many feared his great power, so on March 15th, 44 B.C, Caesar’s political rivals Gaius Cassius Longinus and Marcus Junius Brutus stabbed Caesar to death. The death of Caesar resulted in absolute chaos. Who would take the throne? Caesar’s death marked the end of the Roman Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire. Caesar’s grandnephew Gaius Octavian fought Brutus and Cassius back. Octavian took on the name of Augustus and claimed the throne as the first emperor of the Roman Empire. The senate named Caesar “The Divine Julius.” Caesar was 55 years old when he

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