Judy Hopps 'Zootopia'

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Zootopia effectively uses dialogue to describe racism and supremacy in a society. For example Judy Hopps is called numerous derogatory names such as “carrot face” and“fluffy butt”. Hopps hate being called any of these name but is constantly called them by people who are trying to offend her,and people who aren’t. This is because Zootopia society and the real world’s society normalises these names and uses them without asking people with a certain race if they are okay with using this term. Moreover, these arguments are debated in every American news outlet. Examples would include whether or not to call a person “black” or “African American” or to call a person “gay” or “homosexual”. However, Zootopia cannot use these examples because the movie was intended for third grades, so they use the allegory of foxes and bunnies, predators and prey, big and small (Carlin). …show more content…

Then, the tiger reacts dramatically and apologizes. This also relates to modern society because the word “cute” is basically translated to the N-word. Also, stereotypes concerning both predator and prey are addressed in Zootopia through dialogue. For example, the moose, Judy, and Nick all believe that every elephant has intangible memory, until they meet one who literally has no memory. Another examples included a man named Mr. Big ,who is actually small, and that predators are instinctively dangerous, even though, they are cops and pastries men. Unfortunately, these stereotypes are places in movie to describe the various stereotypes we hear everyday, such as: “Asians are smart”, “Mexicans are rapists”, and “Black people are criminals”. This movie is trying to show society that these stereotypes are not only harmful and offensive but extremely

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