Judge Schopler Case Analysis

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From defense lawyer and civil practitioner, to prosecutor and soldier, Judge Schopler brings his unique experiences to his work as the District’s newest magistrate Judge. After a 20-year career first representing capital murder defendants and corporate clients, then transitioning to representing the United States on some of the most important cases in the country, Andrew Schopler took the bench in September of 2016. Judge Schopler draws upon his diverse legal background to understand cases from both sides, allowing him to make fair evaluations in both civil and criminal cases.

After graduating from Harvard Law School, Judge Schopler started his legal career at the Office of the Public Defender in North Carolina. There he defended dozens …show more content…

Judge Schopler’s first commanding officer Colonel David Kauffman describes him as “A man of character, always willing to go above and beyond in serving his country.” Colonel Kauffman described having watched in amazement as Judge Schopler dominated the Army Physical Fitness and Special Forces fitness tests. His intense physical fitness regiment has given him the strength and endurance to have recently survived Army Air Borne School (Jump School) and continue with the extended hours he spends in chambers trying to help parties reach agreement. For litigants expecting to ware down Judge Schopler in the mediation process, I would respectfully recommend a different approach.

Judge Schopler describes his goals for the future as “staying focused on increasing his familiarity with his new position and looking for opportunities to learn from his colleagues.” His exceptional work ethic, passion for the law, and his appreciation for the judicial system have defined Schopler’s legal career. He now begins his tenure as Magistrate Judge with the same commitment and zeal. Welcome to the

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