Jovanny: An Interview With My Father

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I’ve always been quiet, but I asked myself “do I really listen to others?” Most of the time I do, but at times I have a billon things running through my head. For this specific interview I decide to solely focus on my friends’ stories. The subject of this interview is someone who is extremely close to me this is Jovanny Herra. Jovanny is 19 and currently enrolled at Ventura College. Jovanny is someone I have been acquainted with for some time now, and I have to say he is an amazing friend who has been for me through thick and thin. The two of us can literally converse about anything and we even share a few of the same beliefs. However, we do disagree at times, but always respect each other’s opinions. Additionally, he gives me fashion advice and has even done my hair and makeup on special occasions. During the one hour recorded interview I asked him about everything from his religious views, his passion, to his relationship with his family. First of all, his take on religion is …show more content…

First of all, his family is made up of himself, three sisters, two of which are older, and his parents. During his childhood, he had a good relationship with his sisters, but as they headed into their teenage years they drifted apart. In spite of that, now they’re working on their relationship, “but you know it’s hard to mend things when they don’t accept your lifestyle and things that you can’t change about yourself, they make me feel like the black sheep in the family at times.” The relationship between his parents and himself has not been so fabulous recently. “They have old fashion mind sets and very religious views, one of the hardest moments of my life was recently coming out to my mother. Her reaction was not what I expect she was unsupportive and said I need ‘help’. Nonetheless, he is still grateful to be part of his family and hopes one day they will at least

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