Understanding the Two Faces of Legacy

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In reading the journal article “Legacy” it first discusses the difference between a “legacy” and legacy. The articles explain, that a legacy can be seen and mean two different things. The word legacy ordinarily means specify the distribution of property versus the other “legacy” means how the life of the person that just passed enriched their own life. In the article it talks about how a legacy can be left by any person. A legacy has no prejudice against sexuality, religion, economic, or financial situations. A legacy can be a way that we connect current life with those that have left us to go to the afterlife. A legacy can be seen a stamp that they have left on someone’s life, mood, or mental state. The article discusses a question about “what are we leaving behind?.” As become adults we realized that we will need to leave sometime of money or financial gain to our loved ones which cause us to take out life insurance policies and set up will’s. What we don’t look at as adults is our …show more content…

I agree that even though we may not be aware of what we are doing perception by others is everything. Others can perceive that am family ordinated because everything I do revolves around my family and what I need to do for my family. They come first and foremost not just my husband and my kids but all of them. I have been told by individuals that I may need to learn to say “no” sometimes for the shake of my well-being so that I don’t overstress or tire myself out. The way I see life is that you have to live it to the fullest and if doing something for my family or even friends I will do it. The articles references that and how the world around us will remember our selfishness and our openness/willingness to do what we need to for someone to be able to put them before

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