Joshua Hayden Case Analysis

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All of a sudden, it is you that now has the importance. It’s you, the jury that has the power to potentially change the life of this man sitting here. You have the power to abide by the justice system. You have the power to do the right thing, right here. And that is to let my client, Joshua Hayden, walk away a free man today. Nothing more, nothing less. It wasn’t any of our lives that were on the line that day- not me, not the prosecution, not any of you in the jury- none of us. But Joshua was. And look at us all, putting him in the line of fire. You know what is worse? My client has a serious bipolar disorder! Medical experts have proven this, and this is why I asked for my client not to be present for part of this speech. I do not have the cold heart of the prosecution to break him down further by hearing this medical evidence. And yet, he is being interrogated further. Facts don’t lie. And this is exactly why we come into court... for the truth! And this is it! He did not invent this story as an excuse, or for your sympathy to cloud your ability to make a judgement. This psychiatric illness has been with my client since childhood. We’ve already seen this, haven’t we? Where he was seen on CTV wearing his pyjamas to the park when it was …show more content…

The prosecution want you to believe something illogical, degrading and unreasonable- that this is just an excuse, that it was an impulsive attack. But really, it’s a misrepresentation of facts. Truthfully, if my client wanted to get away with murder, he could’ve easily done so. Mr Weaver lives alone in the countryside, a very secluded area. Any right man with the intention to kill would’ve done it at night. Instead, it was done in broad daylight with nothing to cover up. Is this really what a clear headed, normal person would do? Maybe the weight of the responsibility has just set in now. Maybe the answer has just clicked in your head now. And the answer is: not

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