Joseph Mccarthy Manipulation Essay

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The game of manipulation. The United States itself is a platform for liars, as it allows each citizen to find comfort in lies on a daily basis. Each American has become oblivious as they’re unable to decipher between the truth and a lie. They’re blinded by their speculations that politicians have their interest at heart. In reality, the United States political system is corrupt. Citizens have a tendency to be subsequent to those who play the part of a trusted American. However, these “credible” Americans feed on the weakness of their followers playing a game of manipulation to win the hearts of their followers. As this game lengthens over decades, it’s origination goes back to men like, Senator Joseph McCarthy, who lived on lies in order to …show more content…

As taught from a young age, in order to reach one’s goal sufficiently one must find the perfect technique. A technique may consist of reading one’s opponent or evaluating the obstacles that stand in one’s way. Those who master techniques are those who succeed. Joseph McCarthy not only smoothly evaluated his “opponents”, or American citizens, by finding their weakness, but he also took out those who stood in his way of success. McCarthy was ruthless when it came to his Senator role as he’d do anything to be re elected, even if it meant destroying America’s togetherness in the process. He began with using a process of accusing people or organizations without proof, which eventually was named after him as McCarthyism. McCarthy knew if he degraded other important figures or organizations, it would allow many to lose trust leaving an open door for McCarthy to convince them that he’s more trustworthy than those who were“threats to the country”. As this time period of fear sprang from his actions, McCarthy’s goal was to stand out as a hero. He believed if he tricked Americans into believing he was the root of safety his reputation would soar leading to an inevitable win in the Senate. He began by announcing to the press that he knew hundreds of communist spies that lurked through America. Since this was a sensitive time for citizens, as they were weakened by fear and paranoia , it didn’t take much to convince the citizens. McCarthy preyed on their weaknesses leading the …show more content…

The poor choices McCarthy chose to make of lying led to the uproar of the people. The spreading of lies through McCarthyism led to the event created from terror, the Red Scare. The constant fear or paranoia from the scare led to the government being involved. Once the government became involved basic freedoms were taken from the fearful citizens. All actions have an effect and all effects have a root cause. In the case of the uproar of fearing communism, the root cause was Joseph McCarthy and his constant use of McCarthyism. All events led to the next, and as the events trickled down, America was left in a domino effect of constant controversy throughout the late 40’s and early 50’s. All in all, politicians have a selfish tendency to use others weaknesses, like paranoia and fear, to their advantage by manipulating the weak to conform to their illicit ideas drastically changing the world to benefit

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