Josef Mengele Nicknames

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Todesengel Josef Mengele earned many nicknames during his time with the Nazi party. The two that stand out the most are Todesengel and The Angel of Death. These nicknames were given to him by most the people he experimented on. They were so terrified because the things he did to inmates they gave him nicknames of a killer. Josef Mengele, one of the most feared people at Auschwitz during World War II… a scientist and a murderer. Josef Mengele, later to become a feared and wanted man, was born on March 16, 1911 in Gunzburg, Germany. He was the eldest son of Karl Mengele, a prosperous manufacturer of farming (“Josef Mengele”). Years later after spending much time building and gaining more knowledge Mengele graduated high school. He eventually …show more content…

He was also put incharge of the initial selection. The initial selection was when Mengele selected the people that came to Auschwitz to either work in hard labor, Be his experiments, or to be killed in either the gas chambers or the crematoriums (“Josef Mengele”). Mengele selected over 400,000 prisoners at Auschwitz. He conducted very unhuman like experiments on some of the inmates hoping to find a way to mass produce an Aryian race (Posner 400). He decided to continue his research into presumed racial differences (“Josef Mengele”). Some autopsies were performed on disabled individuals, selected purposefully by Dr. Mengele. He spied on a father and his son. The father had a hunched back and the son had a deformed foot. Mengele wanted to prove some jews were genetically inferior (Deem). He also conducted horrific experiments on dead people (Adams). Mengele also sent his assistant Nyiszli all the dead body’s to desec and Nyiszli would write careful autopsy notes. Most of the bodies were twins. One of Nyiszli’s findings was the twins died of chloroform injected directly into their hearts by Mengele. Eventually World War 2 came to an end and Mengele’s experiments came to an end …show more content…

captured Mengele. Unfortunately they had no idea who he was and what he did. So the U.S. released Mengele from custody before they saw his documented crimes (Posner). He had fled back home to his family in Rosenheim, Bavaria. But he came back just to learn that the German IMT had issued a warrant for his arrest (“Josef Mengele”). So in the spring of 1949 under false papers he had worked as a farmhand in Rosenheim. At the same time him and his family were planning his well thought out escape to South America (“Josef Mengele”). Josef Mengele finally fled to Argentina in South America. After living there several years he was then alarmed by the capture of Adolf Eichmann in Buenos Aires. Mengele then moved to Paraguay and then to Brazil, spending the rest of his years in Sao Paulo (“Josef Mengele”). With declining health Mengele had suffered and died of a stroke while swimming. German authorities found and Identified the remains of Josef Mengele in 1992. He eluded his captors for 34

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