Jorim: A Short Story

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“The town of Jorim, has collapsed inward on itself due to the miles of tunnels from the turn of the century mines that gave way when Gath Hill, which was just about town, crushed inwards in what was presumably a geological upheaval that no one could have foreseen…” That is what the papers wrote from miles around of what used to be the ruined town of Jorim, Arizona, David Croft read the headlines and short story in the newspapers with disbelief… on the one hand, the three papers he had seen that morning all had the same story, on the other hand, he knew it could not be true-David was positive the United States Government had staged to make certain every newspaper in Arizona was telling the same “truth”, the one they wanted people to believe. …show more content…

“You should not venture into Jorim or anywhere near the mines.” Since he had listened to the same warning that morning since he had arrived in town, he simply smiled and nodded and wished the clerk a good day. The bus was there waiting for him, David would finally get to see Jorim with his own eyes and not through his grandfather’s: ‘This mining town is so old, I wish I could bring you to it…’ He had written once in a letter to his grandmother, one of the many she had showed him. David finally arrived at Jorim after hours through a lonely dirt road up a winding mountain in a rickety fare bus that passed first through Perkinsville where many passengers had stayed. The first thing he noticed about Jorim, is how the stories never did it enough justice, because the town is really an old, abandoned dilapidated mining town in central Arizona, and everything about it screams just how far from the rest of the world it is, how isolated… “You are not from around these lands, are you?” The driver said to him when the few people, a couple and him were getting down from the bus. “No, I am not.” David replied tired of hearing the same question. “You see the Hill, …show more content…

“David Croft, Ma’am. I am looking for Mr. Oory.” He said. “Grainville,” she said and a rather elderly man with silver in his hair and glasses stepped from the other door on the porch in the building. “What is it?” “Hello, Mr. Oory I am David Croft, I was wondering if I could have a few words with you about the town.” The woman behind shook her head but he ignored her. “Yes, come in.” Grainville said opening the door wide in invitation. “We don’t get many visitors around here,” he commented. “I noticed,” David replied as he tried to think about the unsettling avoiding population. “Sit, what is it that you want?” “My grandfather was of the founders of the mine, back in 1882, I am quite interested in knowing more about Jorim, for what I have noticed it is a very historical

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