Jordan Belfort Case Study Analysis

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Jordan Belfort: The Robin Hood of Wall Street Jordan Belfort, better known as the man who served as the basis for The Wolf of Wall Street movie, concocted a scheme to bring in copious amounts of money to his investing firm Stratton Oakmont. Belfort’s company thrived on earning money from the commissions of investments the wealthiest 1% of America made. Stratton Oakmont became one of the most powerful investment firms in the United States. Hundreds of people were employed by the large investment firm. The firm earned a lot of money through the hard work of employees. The employees were average people with ambitions to make a lot of money. Jordan Belfort was at the helm of the investment giant. He single handedly created hundreds of very good paying jobs with an easy going work
On the contrary, Jordan Belfort is a caring and loving man who has a strong connection with his friends and family. In fact, Jordan Belfort is a great businessman who’s Robin Hood like actions propel himself as well as his employees into the upper echelon of America’s wealthy showing the genuine and caring man he can be. Jordan Belfort was not always a money hungry sex crazed animal. In fact, Belfort has many redeeming qualities. The creation of Stratton Oakmont LLC allowed the Wolf of Wall Street to hire his friends and other people in need of good paying jobs (Alleva). The movie showed a sensitive side of Belfort. This side showed how lonely a man he is and how badly he wanted to garner everyone’s respect and attention. This goes to show he is a man of feelings. The end of the work day at Stratton Oakmont was always eventful. Belfort hired strippers, hookers, and midgets to throw a party after a hard day’s work (Alleva). Clearly this is an over the top celebration. Despite, Belfort wanted nothing more than to please his partners that worked for him. The strippers and hookers served the physical needs of his male employees, albeit

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