Jonestown Argumentative Essay

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There is so much that can be learned from the past. Especially from an event that was as catastrophic as this one. How does one person gain such a grip on so many people? How was he able to influence them to change their entire life’s to conform to what he wanted. Somehow he was able to get them to move to a completely new place and create a world all their (his) own. How does one person convince and force so many people that it was time for their life to end? How does he force them to kill themselves? So many questions that are still being answered to this day. There are plenty of movies and research done on this event but there is still a lot to learn.
Annie Moore one of the people who died in Jonestown said these last haunting words: “We died because you would not let us live”. That chilling sentence says so much about the grip Jim Jones had on his followers. Once he had them under his control they weren’t even allowed to think for themselves let alone do anything else freely. Jim Jones started to lose it when the congressman, the relatives, and the media began to question what was going on in Jonestown.
There is a lot to learn from Jonestown and it all depends on the way that you view it. You can try to look at it in a positive light and see the good things that a place like that has to offer. There was as sense of community, an attempt at eliminating racisms and inequality as well as reducing the effects of poverty. Many things …show more content…

(2013, December 13). What we can learn from Jonestown? Retrieved from
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Steele, R. (2013, December 3). Learning About Jonestown. Retrieved from
Wettendorff, R. (2014, February 17). Truly Learning from Jonestown. Retrieved from

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