John Watson Research Paper

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Behaviorism can be defined by events that can be directly observed, unlike the psychoanalytical theory. John Watson initiated the beginning of North American Behaviorism in the early twentieth century. He wanted to create an objective science in psychology, and so he rejected the unseen workings of the human mind that the psychoanalysts were concerned with.
Piaget opposed the theory of Behaviorism. Behaviorism is the belief that a behavior is mainly reinforced and that it soon becomes automatic, hence this is learning. Piaget was a constructivist, and he believes that people can participate in constructing their own learning, based on discovering, thinking about, and reflecting on information that’s at hand. Behaviorism states that a child …show more content…

One’s level of self efficacy plays a major role in how one approaches challenges, obstacles, and difficulties. This cognitive self evaluation affects all aspects of human experience, whether it’s the goals for which one strives for, or the level of energy expended in trying to achieve that goal. When I was younger I used to be a part of a swim team. Towards the beginning of my swim career, I would always race my friends and fall behind. I wanted to be faster, but I just wasn’t seeing results. I lost total confidence in myself and it showed in my swimming ability. My coach one day after practice pulled me aside and we spoke about my inability to get faster. He said that he saw lots of potential in me and that I had to be patient with myself in order to get better at the sport. He told me that the only thing holding me back from achieving my goals in swimming is me. I took his words and turned them into motivation. I dedicated myself to working harder at practice and doing everything possible to be physically at my best. Sure enough after a couple months, and a minor growth spurt, I began seeing huge results. His words have always stuck with me throughout my entire swim and school career. They’re a reminder that I am capable of achieving anything I put my mind to and that the only thing that can hinder my ability to succeed in life, is

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