John Updike's The Great Scarf Of Birds

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John Updike’s poem “The Great Scarf of Birds” excerpts an image of a scarf, which enters the speaker's mind as a flock of birds lifts off green of a golf course. The excerpts imagery and similes that expresses sense of joy, contentedness, excitement, and towards the end a little sadness to prepare the reader for how the flock of birds lift the speaker's heart.

John Updike uses an enormous amount of Imagery, for-example; lines 3-6 “Ripe apples were caught like red fish in nets of their branches. The maples were colored like apples, part orange and red, part green,” lines 3-6 describe a season and a passion for nature, thus inferring; It’s spring and the birds are migrating south. Apple season is in the spring, therefore; springs emphasizes

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