John Updike A & P Summary

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In John Updike’s “A&P,” the narrator, Sammy, makes a sudden decision he would never forget about. Sammy is a nineteen-year-old boy who works as a checkout clerk at an A&P grocery store. Sammy does not find his job interesting, he has been search for a chance to change, and on this Thursday he finally finds a chance. Although his decision will bring consequences, he is sure of what he decides. On this slow Thursday afternoon, Sammy is doing his regular job of checking out customers, until three girls walk in to A&P wearing “nothing but bathing suits.” He is completely distracted by the girls, especially “the one in the plaid green two-piece,” because he accidentally rings up a customer’s item twice. As he waits for customers to check out, …show more content…

He refers to the customers as “sheep,” which is a metaphor comparing the customers to people who follow what everyone is doing. He mentions that even if an explosion were to occur, people would keep on going and “checking oatmeal off their lists.” This bothers him because everyone is stuck in a routine and doing the same acts over and over. Sammy sees a different aspect in the girls that makes them stand out from all the “sheep,” which he admires. After the girls find the “Kingfish Fancy Herring Snacks in Pure Sour Cream,” they walk over to Sammy's station to check out. Before Sammy could ring their item up, out comes the manager, Lengel, and immediately points out the girls for wearing bathing suits. Lengel mentions how “this isn't the beach,” and that girls need to be “decently dressed” in this store. The girls are embarrassed and as Sammy finishes up their sale, he tells Lengel he quits, hoping that the girls will stop and watch him. Sammy’s decision to quit was sudden, but the reader can infer that it is an action he has wanted to take, but had not had the chance to take, until now. Sammy was disturbed by the fact that Lengel had to point out the girls and embarrass them. Although the girls had already left, Sammy had to go through with his decision, and this was his chance to make the step towards

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