John Proctor Integrity Analysis

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To admit to adultery takes integrity. To tell the truth no matter what the consequences takes integrity. To stay true to one's morals and be able to accept any punishments to keep one’s integrity, is a genuine trait. During the Salem witch trials many were unable to keep their integrity, but there were some who did. The Crucible written by Arthur Miller takes place during the Salem witch trials, when many people were forced to lie in order to live. John Proctor is looked at in the play as an adulterer, and sinful man. Nevertheless, John Proctor's public and private selves differ dramatically, but overall Mr. Proctor is truly a honest and integrity filled man. Some may view John Proctor as a very flawful man, because of the affair he had with …show more content…

Proctor has integrity is because of the way he handles the people in Salem, and their obsession with church. John Proctor was interrogated by Mr.Hale about his commandments and why he hasn’t been at church every Sunday. “It may be I have been too quick to bring the man to book, but you cannot think we ever desired the destruction of religion,” (III. 530). Mr. Parris, the pastor in Salem, in not who Mr. Proctor wants to baptise his kids. This is why he decides every Sunday not to go to Salem, and attend church. When Mr. Hale asks John about his commandments, John was able to recite nine of the 10, which caused Mr. Hale to believe that the Proctors may praise Satan. Snapping back at Mr. Hales assumption, John Proctor then tells Hale about how he helped build the church, and hung the door. I believe that John Proctor being able to keep his integrity, even when he is targeted by others in his community, makes him a great character in the play. Integrity is displayed differently throughout everyone, but John Proctor's integrity is one you will always remember. People lose their integrity, when dealing with the highs and lows of life, unlike Mr.Proctor who was able to hold onto it. Throughout the accusations and the affair, John stayed true to his morals and was able to look like a very honest man. The witch trials brought out the worst in many, but not John Proctor. Which leads me to believe that he still had all his integrity that

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