John Piper

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Throughout history countless critics have tried to disprove the Bible by finding what they believe to be contradicting verses of scripture within its pages. One topic that has been the cause of much controversy between Christians and non-believers is the question of whether or not Jesus came to the earth to bring judgment or deliver us from it. In more than one instance the gospel of John gives us scripture that, if taken out of context, can lead to confusion on this issue. Through research of scripture and commentary by experts, this paper will affirm that Jesus’ divine purpose in coming into the world was to die on the cross as a final atoning sacrifice for the sins of all nations. However, it also stands true that although Jesus will be …show more content…

It’s not real. When Jesus says that he did not come to judge, he means that condemnation is not his first or his direct purpose. He is coming to save. When he says “For judgment I came into this world,” he means that inevitably, as I save people by truth and love and righteousness, a division happens and rebellion is revealed and people are confirmed in their unbelief. (Web)
Especially in John’s gospel we see how the message of Jesus was consistently misunderstood by those he was teaching. All of his signs miracles and lectures are focused on one central point. The cost of sin is death and no matter how good we try to be we can never measure up to God’s righteousness. Jesus came as a savior, to bring light to a world living in darkness. There is just one condition on our part, we have to believe! Marril Tenny, the author of John: The Gospel of Belief, connects these two points with one of his own “Judgment is the logical consequence of unbelief. As a man who turns his back to the sun deepens his own shadow, the darkness in which he walks, so the unbeliever darkens his own soul by his unbelief.” (pg. …show more content…

You see, Scripture finds every descendant of Adam guilty (Isaiah 53:6; Romans 3:23), and the punishment for sin is death (Romans 6:23). The penalty must be paid by the shedding of blood (Leviticus 17:11). Yet the Father can accept nothing less than a perfect sacrifice (Deuteronomy 17:1). The Savior - who was fully God, fully man, and 100 percent innocent - died a humiliating, excruciating death to pay the debt we couldn't afford. He is the only one who could lay down His life to save us and bridge the gap between each person and the Father. There is no possible way for us to earn our salvation. It is an awesome gift that the Father freely offers to each one of us. The only "condition" is that we receive Jesus Christ as our personal Savior and follow

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