Essay On Critical Incident Techniques

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1. Critical incident Flanagan (1954) defined critical incident as extreme behavior either outstanding effective or ineffective with respect to attaining the general aim of the activity. A critical incident also defined as an unintended event that occurs does not from the patient’s illness but when health services are provided to an individual and resulting serious and undesired events such as death, disability, injury or harm, and lead to prolong hospital stay. “Public Hospitals Act (PHA,2010)”. The term incident refer to the combine set of occurrences of both incident and near misses.(Otong,2001) it refer to unwanted event involving safety incident with environment impact. Incident is not one person failure it may involve the system breakdown and the impact may cause severity of stress it determined …show more content…

5 Steps Critical Incident Techniques By Flanagan (1954) How ever ,According Edvardsson & Roos, (2001) Critical incident techniques need three steps such as gathering data, data analysis and feedback the finding for effectiveness of study The goal in gathering data is to ensure the reliability, relevant information. When adapting these, critical incident technique, it is mandatory to all staff or healthcare provider to report the incident via proper reporting system which available in the units. It is importance to each incident to be classified as more than one incident type example such as according degree of injury such as using score risk

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