John Dillinger Research Paper

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John Herbert Dillinger was born on June 22, 1903 in Oak Hill, Indianapolis, a middle-class neighborhood. His father was a grocer, he raised him in an atmosphere of disciplinary extremes, harsh and repressive on some occasions, but generous and permissive on others. Later, when Johnnie was in his teens, Dillinger, Sr. would alternate between locking Johnnie in the house all day and then, later in the week, letting him roam the neighborhood for most of the night. As a boy, John Dillinger was constantly getting into trouble. He would commit small time pranks and petty theft with his neighborhood gang, “the Dirty Dozen.” (History paragraph 1-2).
As a child he went by “Johnnie.” As an adult he was known as “Jackrabbit” for his moves and quick getaways from the police. As a legend, he was known as “Public Enemy Number One.” His exploits during the depth of the Great Depression made him a headline news celebrity and one of the most feared gangsters of the 20th century. Dillinger then got a job at a machine shop after he quit high school. His father, worried that the temptations of the city were corrupting his teenage son, sold his property in Indianapolis …show more content…

The FBI labeled him “Public Enemy Number One,” and placed a $10,000 reward on his head. To avoid detection, Dillinger underwent a crude form of plastic surgery in May at the home of Jimmy Probasco.. He spent the following month at Probasco’s home healing, and going under the alias Jimmy Lawrence. On June 30, 1934, John Dillinger robbed his last bank. He was accompanied by Van Meter, “Baby Face” Nelson, and one other unidentified individual. Shortly before noon, the gang arrived at the Merchant’s National Bank in South Bend, Indiana. As they entered, Nelson fired his machine gun to get everyone’s attention inside the bank, which in turn got everyone’s attention outside the bank. The next few minutes unfolded like a scene from a Hollywood gangster

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