John Chapter 3 Analysis

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Many people do not believe that Jesus was God, that He still is God, and that He was born into flesh. John uses his experience, prior knowledge, and certain writing tools to prove these points. Throughout the book of John, the reader is given many examples and stories to show how Jesus is God. Points are proven by using certain literary devices and words to convey a persuasive message to the reader. In John chapter three, John uses irony and humor to prove that Jesus is greater than Nicodemus. The word Spirit is used in context with many different items and people in the bible for instance in Isaiah 11:2 it talks about the Spirit of the LORD, wisdom, understanding, might, and even the fear of the Lord. When the bible talks about the spirit, …show more content…

Wisdom can not be felt or touched, but its “spirit” fills many. God also uses spirit in terms of himself. John 4:2 says you can recognize the spirit of God by looking at the spirits who acknowledge Jesus as God. Lastly, the Holy Spirit is used in the Trinity. God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. When a person becomes saved by the blood of Jesus Christ they are filled with the Holy Spirit. The holy spirit gives humans to c chance to have a part of God living within them. Spirit has two different words in greek, Pneuma and ruach. These two words have a few different meanings in english. Wind and Spirit are both used in the context of pneuma, and we see both of the in John 3. Ruach also relates to wind and spirit, but it also means breath as well. “In the term of Breath, you can not live without. The same goes for pneuma. It is a part of you and always will be until the day you day. Where your spirit is placed determines where you spend your zoe”(Thayer and Smith). The spirit is a past of a human, and it determines there eternal life, but the Holy Spirit is not just given out. Someone will receive the Holy Spirit only when they trust that the spirit of Jesus is also the spirit of the

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