John Brown Thesis

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Terrorism is an undefined phenomenon that has been linked back for generation upon generation. Terrorism is mostly tied to heinous crimes that are linked to harm racially, spiritually, prejudicially, and other acts of violence or destruction toward groups of people regarding how they think and feel versus how you think and feel about different aspects in the world. However this may all vary according to; motive, reasoning, attacker, victim, place/location, and the overall destruction that is falling into play. Knowing that Terrorism defines itself by the levels of violence and anxiety toward the victim or victims, you would either say that what John Brown conducted was cold, hard murder leading to Terrorism, or it was an act created by a misunderstood freedom fighter with good intentions but awful actions.

John Brown claimed that he was ‘one of God’s angels’. He claimed that he was set on this Earth to do the work of the Lord. Unfortunately, the events that he put himself up to; raids at Harper’s Ferry and Pottawatomie Creek, were anything but upholding the great being we know as God! If anything, …show more content…

He used the tactic of fear to his advantage to get the citizens to open their minds and hearts to what was “most certainly” right. John Brown plays the role as a cowardly man due to the aspect that he took violence to the full extent to gain more power. He also claimed to serve God’s duty, but he showed everyone that that was a sham more than anything else because of the way he reacted under pressure. You need to make your decision for yourself. You would either say that what John Brown conducted was cold, hard murder leading to Terrorism, or it was an act created by a misunderstood freedom fighter with good intentions but awful actions. Through all the sad drabble stories; John Brown is still truly a coward, a fake, and most certainly, a

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