John Berger Ways Of Seeing Rhetorical Analysis

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In John Berger’s essay titled “Ways of Seeing.”, it discusses the way art is looked at now and how art is not as appreciated as it was when it was originally made. The author also mentions how replication of paintings are not as valued as the original. Mr. Berger is trying to speak to an educated audience with the purpose of informing the audience of the different ways art and paintings looked at in other ways than intended. As the author writes the essay, he is aware that he is developing the rhetorical strategies of pathos, logos and ethos.
Where John Berger writes, “we only see what we look at. To look is an act of choice,” (119). This is an example of pathos, the rhetorical strategy of emotion. The author is asking the educated audience to think about how it feels to see things but they have a choice as a viewer to look at it, which connects on an emotional level with the reader. Mr. Berger connects to his audience with the strategy of a message to have the audience understand that seeing and art are a subjective experience. …show more content…

This is an example of logos, the strategy of logic. John Berger is trying to get the educated audience to think of the past and how many of people have assumptions about the art being presented; the author also writes, “these assumptions obscure the past. They mystify rather than clarify,” (Berger 121). Mr. Berger wants to connect with the reader on a logical level. The author has an intended message for his audience that he wants the educated audience to understand that we as present people do not fully understand the past

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