Jim Jones Corruption

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“It is not power that corrupts but fear. Fear of losing power corrupts those who wield it and fear of the scourge of power corrupts those who are subject to it.” (Aung San Suu Kyi). Power is the possession of control over others; it is desired above all. In some circumstances, power could be good, but when there is a force that threatens to eradicate that power, fear takes over. Fear of losing control and wanting to maintain power, by all means, changes people and turns into corruption. Corruption, in some situations, leads to oppression. Jim Jones was known as a corrupt religious leader who led his followers to their deaths. He used cyanide laced punch to kill them; he portrayed their deaths to be a necessity that had to be done by him and …show more content…

He would hold his own services preaching to other children in his community. Jones preached about spiritual healing, wisdom, healing and brotherhood. When he first founded his church, it was named Wings of Deliverance, later known as the Peoples Temple. One of the ways he would attract followers was through his healings. He would perform healings showing his congregation he had the power to magically cure all illnesses, however, it turned out to be fake. For example, Jones healed people of cancer, where he would remove rancid-smelling objects that were supposedly cancerous tissue, when in fact, were rotten chicken liver. Not to mention, Jones influenced some of his subordinates to deceive the congregation to believe he had healing powers; "secretaries dressing up as old women, and the same woman coming out of wheelchairs on different nights" (McGehee III, Alternative Considerations of Jonestown & Peoples Temple). Jones implanted people in different locations of his assembly. When it was time for healings, these women would walk to the pulpit and he would magically heal them. By Jones using his subordinates to deceive the congregation, he was able to convince them that he had healing powers. The congregation believed he could heal all of them of their illnesses and diseases because of his healing powers. The people in the congregation would also spread the news to others, presenting them a Savior. This fantasy entices more people to join his congregation. In view of this, we see that Jones resorted to deceitful means to acquire more

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