Jim Abbott's Accomplishments

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Jim Abbott was a Major League Baseball Pitcher for the New York Yankees and the Los Angeles Angels. Abbott was a valuable pitcher for both teams. Jim Abbott wasn’t a regular baseball player. Jim said “There was more of course. There was always more. I’d gone without a right hand…” Jim was exceptional at baseball, even though he had a missing right hand. He won multiple awards in baseball and he gave kids who were different from the other children hope, so they can keep on pushing through. Jim had many hardships throughout his life, besides for his missing hand. Jim said “There was always another issue, it seemed, no matter how hard I tried to outrun it.” His managers and coaches often thought that he wasn’t good enough and never gave him a chance.Jim Abbott, though born without one hand, overcame many tough obstacles in his lifetime and went on to become one of the
Jim didn’t want to be the reason why his team lost and wanted to continue to keep his father proud(Abbott 97-98). Jim loved his parents and wanted his family and his parents to not fight and to get along. He tried playing his hardest so that he can make his family and parents proud. Jim ended up with a huge accomplishment. Even though he didn’t have a hand, he still made the MLB and made his parents and his family closer by accomplishing his goal.

Growing up and playing with one hand never entered his mind as something that would hold him back. Regardless of his handicaps he was able to make it to the majors. Jim realizes that his disability was most likely going to make him one of the most great baseball players instead he defeated all odds. Jim’s experiences were much different then all of these other peoples because his disabilities. Jim never gave up no matter what his situation was and no matter what he knew he was going to get thru it.(Abbott

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