Jhune Language Barriers

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The impact of the language barrier is huge. Neither Jhune or any other person in the school were able to communicate with each other. Jhune would just hear gibberish being spoken by the people in the school. This meant that Jhune could not communicate his feelings to the teachers or the students. It was the other way around too. The children and adults could not figure out what Jhune wanted. Either way, it was the language barrier that was causing it. The language barrier made the children mock Jhune and the teachers misunderstand him. All of these miscommunications caused Jhune to feel scared and confused. Some people may even think that he is not smart because he does not know English. However, this would not be true. Just because a person does not speak a certain language does not mean they are not smart. In America, English is the main language, however. So, this thinking would likely be accepted as fact. This is the impact of the language barrier. Jhune is alone, and until he learns to speak English, he will be alone. He will continue to be misunderstood and judged based on his communication skills. That is why language had such a large part in the film. …show more content…

They would likely need to enroll him in a special course that would help to teach him English from the beginning. By doing this, they would enable Jhune to understand the people around him and it would enable those people to understand him. So, the teacher and the institution can make a positive influence on him. By helping him to adjust to America, they can make him feel less scared and confused. This will help him to be accepted by the children and by society. That is why teaching Jhune English is something that the teacher and the institution can do to help

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