Jfk Use Of Propaganda To The West Berliners

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On June 26, 1963, over 100,000 West Berliners gathered around a stage near the Berlin Wall. When President JFK walked out on stage the crowd roared with enthusiasm and excitment. As JFK said the speech the West Berliners thundered with approval. President JFK’s speech was an example of propaganda because Kennedy’s intent was to boost the morale of the West Berliners, due to the Berlin Wall. This speech used an array of propaganda techniques. The speech was also used to reassure the Berliners that they were not forgotten and that whatever the Russian did the United States would assist democratic West Germany. Kennedy named the speech “Ich Bin Ein Berliner” which means “I am a Berliner”. JFK’s intent was to say I support the West Berliners, but a Berliner is a jelly donut. Therefore the Germans translated it as “I am a Jelly Donut”. From the American Historical Association propaganda is described as being the persuasion of words using techniques, slogans, catchwords, and other devices. For example, the WWII slogan “Loose Lips, sink ships” mean beware of careless talk. It warned the …show more content…

Kennedy also states that “it is a crime against humanity to commit such heinous crimes.” Kennedy uses logic to convince the people of West Berlin that the Communist party is bad and offensive. JFK also uses ethos in this statement to make the West Berliners feel sadness and anger at the Communists. By using the technique logos JFK was providing logical information to prove his theory or

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