Jesus Take The Wheel By Carrie Underwood

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The song “Jesus take the wheel” by Carrie Underwood teaches us, we can’t do it by ourselves; sometimes we need a little help from God. I believe this is true because we can’t always control what happens to us. Carrie expresses this theme well in her lyrics when she says “Jesus take the wheel, take it from my hands”. She is asking God to help her, she is on the road in a situation where she can’t control and she needs his help. Carrie then goes to say “and then for the first time in a long time she bowed her head to pray, she said i’m sorry for the way I’ve been living my life. I know I’ve got to change”. Carrie here in this statement saying she is sorry for the way she has been living and she is asking him to help her change and for his forgiveness,

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