Jesus Superstar Analysis

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I have been waiting for these readings for a while. Why? Just like how the Ark of the Covenant was my favorite part to the Old Testament, Jesus’ Passion is my favorite part to the New Testament. These readings are my favorite because I am able to connect them to the musical Jesus Christ Superstar.

I know what you are thinking, either, “That musical was an awful representation of Jesus,” or “I have never heard of it.” Jesus Christ Superstar is a musical (score by Andrew Lloyd Weber) that shows Jesus during his Passion, Death, and part of his Resurrection. My favorite part to it is seeing how weary Jesus was about dying. Most renditions of Jesus’ Passion show him as being very confident and knowing exactly what he was doing. That is not true. …show more content…

It is a song that Judas sings at the very end where he asks why Jesus was put in that time in such a strange land. He also says that if Jesus were to come now he would reach a whole nation. I have seen this musical dozens of times and, ever since I was little, I have agreed with Judas on that verse. Why did he go then, when the world needs him so much more now? Reading this section of the book answered my question that has been lingering in the back of my mind for years. Jesus has to fulfill that promise that God made to Abraham, because it had already been hundreds, if not thousands, of years since that covenant was made. Jesus also had to save his people from sin. It has been two thousand years since Jesus was on earth, which would mean that it would have been too long if God had waited to send Jesus. Also, I do not think Mary and Jesus would have been as appreciated. Someone, somewhere would have found something that would make the Holy Family look bad. The media would have made the Holy Family in one way or another look bad.
In conclusion, I do believe that Jesus Christ Superstar was an excellent musical. I also understand that Jesus needed to be in Bethlehem two thousand years ago so that his example and teachings could live on forever. Jesus could help with a lot of the troubles here and now, but I am sure that he has given us hope in the Gospels that not everyone has had the chance to read and experience

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