Jennifer Lawrence's Argument

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The “She shouldn't have to” Argument. Awards season is upon us, and I'm seeing the beautiful face of Ms. Jennifer Lawrence plastered on my screen a tad more than usual. She was one of the conversation topics at dinner last night (which of course I was forced to cook because I am a slave to the patriarchy). And of course, within five minutes we were discussing her naked picture debacle. Jennifer Lawrence is a young, visually pleasing adult who is allowed to have sex and take all the sans clothes snapshots she wants. It doesn't matter if you agree or disagree with that act; she has that agency. People can disagree all they want. But we can't deny the fact that because she is also a celebrity, people want to see Jennifer Law naked. I'm guessing …show more content…

I had that phrase thrown at me numerous times during that particular scandal. Mainly by the blue haired feminists, if you can believe it. Infuriated interneters lectured about how Jennifer should be able to do whatever she wants and we should to respect that. People should leave her alone and the world shouldn't be such a dangerous place for women. I agree. The world shouldn't be such a dangerous place for women and famous women shouldn't be targets. But it is and they …show more content…

There's an article by an Alpha Feminist lamenting the fact that childish internet basement dwellers regularly leave vitriolic remarks on her articles. She wrote“ I know I could stop reading the comments, but I shouldn’t have to”. i've seen the argument rehashed a million times. She has some valid points; I don’t' deny that many comments are hateful and don't contribute to the public discourse. The fact is that some people love to hurl online abuse, and find women easy targets. It sucks I know. But feminists screaming “It shouldn’t be this way” looks like the last ditch effort of a dying

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