Jeff Reddy's Aggressive Behavior

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Late one night just as the sun began to set behind the distant hills a piercing scream was heard in the distance. Could this be the return of the psycho man that disappeared ten years ago that went around and knocked on children’s windows and would scream until he made them cry many years ago? The man’s name was Jeff Reddy , he was supposed to be shipped off to a mental asylum. When he was a child he was dropped on his head and his parents and siblings were mean to him. The psycho man did not graduate high school because he was always scaring people in school until one day a girl named Mary told the principal and he was suspended and they put a 350 foot restraining order from Mary. Jeff had it out for her because she got him in more trouble …show more content…

He was walking down the streets when he seen a little kid just getting ready for bed so he snuck over to the bushes and waited for the kid to get in bed and he did the same thing he did to Mary at her house, but for the little kids he would let them fall dead asleep. Then he would crawl through their window and he would lock their door and break the handle so the kid could not leave the room. Then he would crawl out and jam the window shut and slam on it and scream and the kid would be horrified and not leave the room and then when the kid started crying he would leave so the parents don’t catch him and turn him …show more content…

He wanted to make sure to get her because he wanted her to be scared of a stalker and he wanted revenge on her for making his life even more miserable. When Jeff arrived at Mary’s house that night he went and waited in the bushes and seen her crawling into bed but he noticed that she wasn’t in pajamas she was still dressed in pants. She just rolled over and that was the signal for Jeff to bang on her window and when he went up there, he was going to bang on it, then 3 cops jumped out of the bushes and pointed guns at him and they yelled “put your hands where we can see them!”. Jeff panicked so he took off running and the cops wouldn’t shoot because they didn’t have the right to so they went and hopped in their cars. Jeff headed straight for the woods. He found a big tree with a coon hole in the side of it. Jeff was a small kid he fit in this whole for the coons and he hid out in there til the cops left the area and he jumped out and went to his abandoned home. When he got there he went back to Mary’s house and seen she was in a deep sleep and he banged on the window and screamed and woke her up. Mary got up and ran to the window and yelled “What do you

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