Jean Louis Rousseau Research Paper

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Confession Part I, The Controversial Philosopher Although Jean Jacques Rousseau known as one of the influential philosopher during the Romantic time. Questioning his insanity and authentic nature of his literary works. Rousseau’s Confession, Part One, exhibited a self-described portray of events; childhood tragedies, painful experiences both factual and emotional in a non-prejudiced manner. Rousseau born June 28, 1712 in Geneva, Switzerland, a Swiss- born philosopher and individualist who later become known for his political views during the Enlightenment Era. He was a romantic writer and poet during the Eighteenth Century, who viewed the world in a entirely new perspective. He notably disliked discipline and theorized how self-expression …show more content…

Became a driving point in Rousseau search for transformation in the government. Throughout the Enlightenment people were subjective by higher influence to how they should view their society, their government and environment. Robbing them of their freedom of expression and imagination due to society and civil corruption all the natural goodness diminishes and freedom exist no longer. Individualist believes the governmental focus far too much on societal sophistication rather the people, human intellect, and nature. Suggesting that society to blame, Rousseau claimed the need for chain unnecessary. Independence granted to the people, freedom, and liberty that causes for obedience. He knew no everyone had will therefore freedom would come at a cost. Self- imposed law could not take alleviate the people commitment to the general will. This theory reformed the how people viewed Rousseau, supporters thought of him as an individualist other viewed him as a totalitarian. A totalitarian advocates a system of government that’s under a centralized and dictatorship. Rousseau disagreed with this type of government. The thought of totalitarian describes an exaggerated accusation imposed on Rousseau. His only desire for humans to be free, free to express themselves creatively through emotions and …show more content…

Although, not exactly proud of events that he encountered in his life or done Rousseau felt compelled to tell his truth. He strongly believed that he is not made as other man are or perhaps none that he had seen. Emotions drives him, equivalent to no other. Which originates partly from his love of nature and sexual relation. His enjoyment of love is devoured by the need of desiring another while in the midst of one. How could this be, he stated “I learnt bad ways, when good values engulf me from the loving people in my life“. (391) No one question that he suffered terribly in his life, the tragedy of losing his mother during the birthing of him prompt the beginning of the tragedy he would face. Rousseau suffering continues on in life as well. The feeling of betrayal and persecution would play a vital role. The exchange of misery becomes Rousseau transformation, providing broad imaginative and emotion masterpiece in his literature. The vague picture he presents of his life in the “Confession suggests that there were periods of happiness sustained perhaps seasonal or over a ten year span. He defends this notion, declaring that every embarrassing detail has been shared. He admittedly warns his readers, there were moments of memory lag or blur that possibly escaped the fullness of detail, which he filled the gap with spectacled events,

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