Jean Jacques Rousseau Research Paper

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Jean Jacques Rousseau, a philosopher during the 18th century, believed that man are naturally good but become corrupted by the influence of human society and institutions. His belief was that human beings needed outside interventions to develop their natural propensity for good and the man needs to work with nature and not against it. Rousseau stated, “If man is left… to his own notions and conduct, he would certainly turn out the most preposterous of human beings. The influence of prejudice, authority… would stifle nature in him and substitute nothing.” His essential ideas consisted of freedom, that natural man is physically free and second that man are psychologically and spiritually free because they are not enslaved to any of the artificial needs that characterize modern society. I as well believe in Rousseau’s ideas because everyone should have their freedom, they should be able to do what they want and not what society wants them to do. People are entitled to their own character and not let anyone tell them they can’t dress or look a certain way. People should be able to think and have their own opinion and not …show more content…

Basically she taught there Is a caring person and a cared for person in a relationship. Nell Nodding later added another philosophy that became a key reference point for people wanting to reaffirm the moral foundations of teaching. Schooling and education more thoroughly. Care ethics is commonly called the moral theory. This means that one fundamentally depends on the elements of relationships and the dependence of human life. She has been able to demonstrate the significance of caring and relationship both as a fundamental aspect and educational goal. Nel Noddings has a great idea that one could learn by being cared for. She states that one's motivation to care comes from being inspired and motivated by being cared

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