Jealousy In Elie Wiesel's In Cold Blood

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Once inside his sanctuary, he did not know what to do with himself, but vibrating energy fueled by jealousy and rage flowed through him, and it needed to stop. He let out an unrestrained roar, damn what those who lived close by thought of him. He paced. Charged to his wardrobe, tossed his clothing over his shoulder, then withdrew Alis’s hair combs. Dropped them and crushed them under his boot. Picked them back up. Flung them onto the floor. Upended his bedside table, which sent a clay mug spinning across the floor where it shattered against the wall.
Oddly, the noise and destruction soothed Lionel, but if he kept going, someone would eventually turn up and perhaps cart him off to the infirmary where they’d tie him to a bed because he was a madman.
While he tried to determine his next move, the notion …show more content…

Alis endeavored to keep the conversation light, even though guilt tugged at her conscience. She had not held up her end of the bargain, and even though Daniel had withheld pertinent information from her about Lionel’s apology, she was not angry with him, Daniel cared for Alis and his words and deeds made that clear. He had made a mistake and they would carry on as friends.
“Daniel, you’re so handsome. Surely there’s someone else you’ve been eyeing.”
“Not really. I’ve focused most of my attention on you for a while.”
“What if you had to choose someone else? Who would it be?”
“Oh, Allie, give me a few days to recover before I think of that,” said Daniel with a crooked, halfhearted smile.
His pain made her hurt. “I should go.”
“Wait.” Daniel reached across the table and took her hand. “You are special and deserve the best. Please don’t forget that. You deserve to be treated with love and respect no matter what. Never settle for less.”
She let go of his hand, crossed to the other side of the table, kissed Daniel’s cheek, then hastened toward Lionel’s

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