Jazz Awareness Essay

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I do think that Jazz can help spread awareness about the other type of music because as Wynton Marsalis pointed out the only other type of music that is associated with America nowadays is pop music. It would be good for jazz to become dominant in other countries that are not exposed to that type of music on the daily basis such as pop. Some people want to become musicians, but in today’s world not everyone has the money to pay a music instructor. Some just do not have the voice to become singers because pop is mostly about the singing and that is the dominant genre worldwide. Jazz gives them the chance to become musicians and the only thing they need is an instrument, their determination, their skills and others like them that like to play instruments. Exposing other countries to jazz can influence their type of music and possible becoming the roots to a new genre just …show more content…

Jazz was popular in the past and now that it has been forgotten in other countries it would be the perfect time because it will resurrect like the phoenix in a country where American music is so limited to those genres. It would be like an invasive species in a new environment and with no other completion it will thrive and rise above the music that was already established. We already passed the point where jazz can progress in the United States because here it’s all about what Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran, Beyonce, Nicki Minaj, Cardi B or other artist like them will release next. Those artists are mostly pop, country and rappers who do not mix their music with other types of genres. This will prevent jazz from progressing/changing and causing it to stay almost frozen in time in terms of the overall rhythm of the genre. A new city where jazz is not heard will become a new influence for those who have never heard about jazz before. This will help those who do not like their country’s traditional music or inspire them to become jazz

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