Jazz: A Brief Biography

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“Jazz” was born on October 6, 2000, in South Florida. She was born with the name Jared, then later on she was called Jazz. Jazz has 3 siblings named Ari, Griffen, and Sander. She lived the first 3 years of her life being a boy. She always felt like she was a girl trapped inside boy’s body. Because she looked like a boy on the outside, her parents would dress her in “boy like” outfits. She hated it, so she would throw a tantrum. She would refuse to go out in public in boy outfits. Jazz would fight her mom, so she didn’t have to get out of the car. She always liked/wanted barbies and anything sparkly.
Jazz’s favorite “creature” is a mermaid. She likes mermaids because they don’t have anything between their legs, it’s just a tail.

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