Jason: A Story Of Jason And The Golden Fleece

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He was the leader of the Argonauts, wielder of Golden Fleece, and trained by a centaur. Who is this fantastic man? His name is Jason! His life was full of adventure and uncertainty. Jason had a very difficult life considering his childhood, he stole the Golden Fleece, and all of his children were murdered. Jason had a very rough childhood. According to the Encyclopedia of Myths, his father was Aeson, King of Iolcus. Jason’s half uncle, Pelias, was greedy though, and wanted the throne. Pelias ended up taking over and killing all of Jason’s siblings. There is some speculation about whether Jason was already born, or if he was born in secret after Pelias took over (GreekGods.org). Either way, Jason’s mom feared for his life, so she sent him …show more content…

When people think of Jason, they most likely think of the Golden Fleece. It wasn’t so easy for him to get it though. According to the Encyclopedia of Myths, when Jason was about twenty, he decided to head back to Iolcus to claim the throne back. On his way, he came upon a river. He stopped to help an old lady cross. In the process, he lost a shoe. This lady was actually Hera in disguise. When Jason had arrived at Iolcus, Pelias had noticed he had only one shoe. The king had been warned about a man with only one shoe. He told Jason that in order for him to win back the throne, he had to steal the Golden Fleece, which Pelias thought to be impossible. Jason got a magical ship named Argo. He then assembled a team and headed across the sea to steal it. His army would soon be called the Argonauts. Jason became the leader. Some of the famous Argonauts included Hercules and Orpheus. In order to get the Fleece, Jason had to “yoke two fire-breathing bulls to a plow, saw a field with dragons teeth” and win a fight against the warriors who had come from the dragon teeth, according to the Encyclopedia of Myths. He was able to complete all of these things because he had the help of Medea, the king of Colchis’s daughter. Some believe Madea was a sorceress. Many believe Hera had convinced Aphrodite to make Medea fall in love with Jason. From then on, Medea helped Jason steal the Fleece (“Jason”). …show more content…

According to the article, “Jason Iason,” Medea and Jason got married after he gave the Fleece to Pelias. Jason didn’t become king, though, because of something Medea did. Some believe Jason helped her plot the death of his uncle, but others say it was all Medea’s idea. She convinced Pelias’s daughters that they could make him look young again. All they had to do was chop him up and put him in a pot, and that’s what they did. The people of Iolcus were disgusted. Jason and Medea were forced to flee (“Jason”). They lived happily for a while, having many children. Their delightful life ended, though, when out of nowhere, a king offered his daughter to Jason. He accepted the marriage proposal, leaving Medea and their children. Some think that Jason was cheating on Medea before he told her about his new lady friend, though (“Jason Iason”). Medea was so infuriated, that she sent the princess a poisoned wedding dress. The dress ended up killing the princess and the king. Medea wasn’t done yet. To get even more revenge on Jason, the Encyclopedia of Myths says that Medea murdered all their children. Other stories say that the citizens were so upset about their king and princesses deaths, that they killed Jason and Medea’s children. Either way, their kids end up being murdered. When his children and fiance died, and his wife left him, Jason grew very lonely and depressed. Thus leading him to pray to the

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