Japanese Honeysuckle Research Paper

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Deborah Y.D. Szarek Have you ever dealt with the utter frustration of the japanese honeysuckle dictating your precious garden? May good luck be with you, because this invasive species is hard to kill. Nearly Impossible even. It is found in many places in North America. While it is legal it can easily disrupt existing ecosystems and take over. If one is unlucky enough to come across this deadly vine, do not fear, for there are some ways to exterminate it permanently. Lonicera Japonica ( the scientific name of the plant) used to be only found in Japan and East asia. This Honeysuckle is quite a beautiful plant with milky white flowers. The flowers turn yellow as they age (fcps.edu). The leaves donn a dark green color and to finish it off, they sprout black berries. And This plant can grow in either a vine or bush form(fcps.edu). There more often seen and known is it's deadly vine form. As the name implies, the Japanese Honeysuckle is native to Japan. But since it's got to America it has become quite invasive. The Japanese Honeysuckle is known …show more content…

It was brought to the U.S. for Decorating purposes, It’s beautiful. It is spread easily because birds ingest the seeds. Then the seed passes through the bird and sprouts far from where it originated (mdc.mo.gov). The only threat to its survival is that the occasional deer may step on it or eat a little (plants.ifas.ufl.edu) The people though soon realized how much the Japanese Honeysuckle harmed the plants around it. The Japanese honeysuckle is capable of growing almost anywhere. It wraps its cord-like around the trunks of trees. By doing this, The Japanese Honeysuckle blocks them of sunlight and water so the tree dies. The worst part is, these japanese beauties are almost impossible to kill. Every single segment of the vine can regrow. The Japanese Honeysuckle is around almost all of the year because it is a Semi-Evergreen

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